Blessed Sacrament School strives to create a community where a sense of belonging, of ownership and of caring for one another prevails. A safe and harmonious working environment in which the needs and well-being of every individual is paramount must characterize such a community.
The belief that each person has great dignity and is deserving of the highest respect is central to the school's values. Together with parents, the school shares the mission of helping each student grow toward self-discipline so that a stimulating and positive learning environment can be provided.

Blessed Sacrament is an allergy aware school. There are a number of students with severe peanut and tree-nut allergies, as well as students who are allergic to other foods. Therefore, we kindly ask all parent and student cooperation with ensuring that all food brought in to the school is completely nut free (no peanuts or tree nuts). Please abstain from sending in food or candy treats for birthdays/special occasions/holidays.

Cell Phone (& Electronic Device) Policy
A new policy went into effect at BSCS in May, 2019 and includes the use of smartwatches, iPads/tablets, iPods/music players and other electronic devices. These electronics must be turned off and kept in zipped backpacks at all times during the school day.

​Discipline Policy - School Code of Conduct
The Blessed Sacrament school community believes that all children have the right to a safe environment where they can learn. No student has the right to choose behaviour that infringes upon the rights of others. Any behavior which disrupts the teaching-learning process in the classroom, or which demonstrates disrespect for self, others, property or authority will be dealt with by the teaching staff and the administration in order to ensure the well-being and security of everyone in the school.

Dress Code
An Appropriate Dress Code is implemented at Blessed Sacrament; all students (JK to grade 8) are expected to attend school dressed in navy blue bottoms and white or navy tops. Parents may purchase the clothing from any retailer of their choice.

Food and Beverages
Blessed Sacrament follows the TCDSB Food and Beverage Policy S.M.08 which states that all food and beverages sold in all schools of the TCDSB should promote and sustain a healthy school environment in which students have the ability to achieve to their full potential. The nutritional value of such sustenance must be consistent with the development of sound health habits and align with all relevant Ministry of Education directives and the Nutritional Standards for Ontario Schools (Appendix 150).

Fire & Lock-Down Drills
Fire Drills are held on a regular basis to ensure that the school can be evacuated in an orderly panic-free manner in case of an emergency. Indoor Shoes are mandatory because fire drills are unannounced and every person must leave the building when the fire alarm sounds. Lock down drills will be held to ensure proper emergency response in the event that we need to keep our students safe indoors.

Lunch Hour
Blessed Sacrament School does not provide cafeteria facilities or lunchroom for elementary school students; children eat in their classrooms. We encourage all students to bring a nutritional peanut-free snack and lunch in litter-less containers.

Personal Property
Families are requested to see that their children's clothes, boots, gloves, scarves, running shoes, lunch kits, etc. are marked with the child's name; Please check the Lost and Found box in the basement on a regular basis to reclaim lost items. Twice a year (at Christmas and at the end of the year), the items in the Lost and Found box are collected and sent to charitable organizations.

SafeArrival Program
SafeArrival is an absence management feature with SchoolMessenger that improves student safety and makes it easy for you to let the school know about your child’s absence.
You are asked to report your child’s absence in advance using one of these convenient methods:
SchoolMessenger App
Web or Mobile Web
Toll-free Phone
See FAQs for more details

School Bus Safety
The TCDSB in conjunction with the Toronto District School Board are highlighting the importance of school bus safety. Some important points to remember:
Parents are responsible for their children's safety before they board their school bus, and after they are dropped off in the afternoon.
While on the bus, students are responsible to the school principal for their conduct. Transportation privileges may be revoked if a student's behavior creates problems (the length of the suspension varying with the severity of the incident).
Parents are responsible for transporting their children to and from school in cases of inclement weather or mechanical difficulty.

Security cameras are now in place. All visitors to the school must report to the office upon entering the school to sign in, state their business and pick up a visitor's badge which they must wear while in the school. Visitors will sign out and return their badges at the end of their visit. The doors to the school will remain locked during instructional time and visitors must enter and exit the school through the main school entrance.

Student Drop-Off
Traffic Safety Plan: the School Safety Committee has developed a plan that indicates appropriate drop off zones for each grade level:
JK/SK zone: in front of the JK/SK gate on the north side of Bedford Park Avenue; a parent/student volunteer will escort your child into the play area.
Grades 1-8: west end of the schoolyear on the north side of Bedford park Avenue; students are expected to walk the short distance into the school play yard.