Elementary Registration for 2024/2025 School Year
Children born in 2020 are eligible to attend Junior Kindergarten in September 2024.
The Elementary Student Online Application for Registration (S.O.A.R.) for enrolment in September 2024 will be available beginning
January 24, 2024 at 10:00 AM EST
Apply for registration at soar.tcdsb.org .​
The current link to the Student Online Application for Registration (S.O.A.R.) on the TCDSB website is for enrolment for the current school year.
In order for your September 2024/2025 registration request to be processed, the application must be entered on or after January 24, 2024 at 10:00 AM EST.​
Registration is complete when:
A complete application has been submitted to the school (online or in person)
A Meeting with school personnel has taken place
All documentation has been submitted and validated by the school
The family has been informed by the school that the registration is complete, and the child is pre-registered
To which school may I apply?
Within the S.O.A.R program, applicants will be directed to their community school which is based on the applicant’s residential address found within the school boundary.
If an applicant wishes to apply to a school outside the boundary of their community school, they will have the opportunity to make an out of boundary request on their application.
Please note that an application to any school, whether inside or outside the boundary does not guarantee acceptance at the school selected. TCDSB will however, make every attempt to identify a school where there is space and where the child may attend. Please note that in line with our transportation policy, transportation/bussing is not guaranteed.
Priority Waitlists
Applications will be processed according to priorities listed below. Once all available spaces have been filled at a school, any remaining applicants will be placed on one of 6 potential wait lists as per the Elementary School Admissions Policy:
Priority I – Applicant living inside or outside the boundary of the school with a sibling attending the school (in junior kindergarten to grade 7) and not registered in Extended French, French Immersion or Special Education/Intensive Support Program Class
Priority 2 - Applicant living in the school boundary
Priority 3 – Applicant living outside the school boundary but attends licensed child care within the school boundary for September 2020
Priority 4 – Applicant living outside the school boundary with unlicensed child care within the school boundary
Priority 5 – Applicant living outside the school boundary and is not attending child care
Priority 6 – Applicant living outside the City of Toronto

Documents Required for Enrollment
Once the application is complete, the parent/guardian must meet with the school in order to validate documentation. The following original documents are required when meeting with the school:
Child's Birth Certificate
Passport/immigration documents (only if child was not born in Canada)
Child's Catholic Baptismal Certificate (or proof of parent's Catholicity or RCIA/RCIC letter)
Proof of residency in Toronto
Important Note:
Parents of Toronto school-aged children must provide their child’s vaccination information directly to Toronto Public Health. Students without the required vaccines will
receive notice asking for updated immunization information. For more information, please visit www.toronto.ca.
To request more information:
Contact the Office
Mon-Fri: 8am - 4pm
You can also request more information with this form: