It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
For many years, Blessed Sacrament families have generously shared the Christmas spirit with those in need, through the Christmas Wish Programs. Every year, BSCS supplies gift cards, warm clothing, food and more to families of all faiths, living in and around the Blessed Sacrament Community.
Here is how we're getting into the Christmas Spirit!
Family Ornament
December 4th - December 22nd
Previous family ornaments will adorn the tree, and we're excited to include new family Christmas ornaments this year. Students are encouraged to bring their ornaments and personally place them on the tree.
Kindly make sure that your family name is prominently displayed.
Gift Card Drive
November 13th - December 20th
This year the need is greater than ever! Please help us reach our goal of $6,000. Please purchase a gift card to help families in need this holiday. Go to cash online to donate.
All gift cards will go directly to the families in need with enough time to be put to good use before Christmas.
Winter Warmth Collection
December 4th - December 20th
Please donate new mittens, hats, scarves, gloves, and socks in support of families in need this year. Donations can be brought to the school foyer to be placed under the tree.
Thank you to the Foss and the Marconi Families for their generous Christmas Tree donation!
Food Bank Collection
December 4th - December 20th
Please check with your child for more information on which food items are requested.