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BSCS Limited Edition Cookbooks

February 19, 2019


Submit your recipes from February 19 through March 1


Please follow the steps below to submit one of your family’s favourite recipes.  From healthy appetizers to decadent desserts, we want them all!  Every child will love to see their name and/or their family’s name highlighted in a book.  As an incentive, every BSCS student who submits a recipe into the cookbook will have the opportunity to win a class dress down day!  BSCS cookbooks will make a great gift and keepsake for your family.  Cookbooks will be delivered just in time for Mother’s Day!  There is only a two-week window for recipe submission and no cost to contribute a recipe.  Questions, please feel free to email Debbie Wilson at


Log onto:

Username:  BSCSCookbook

Password:  Recipes


BSCS Cookbook Purchase – February 19 - March 21


You may purchase a limited edition BSCS Cookbook for $15 by logging onto Cash Online. *


*If you are willing to take a chance, on May 11th (Fun Fair), there may be a limited number of cookbooks available for $20.




The Cookbook Committee is asking for EVERY BSCS student to enter into the Cookbook Cover Drawing Contest!  One student from each grade will have the opportunity to put their creative thinking on paper (no larger than 8 ½ x11).  It may be a picture of their favourite meal, a chef, table setting, or check out the Canadian food guide for inspiration. It is up to them!  Artwork will be featured in a collage on the cookbook’s front and back cover!  Front office will be accepting artwork until March 1st.  Winners will be announced on March 7th.  Questions, please feel free to contact Debbie Wilson at

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